Muttama Church

This project involves an old disused church in a rectangular paddock at the village of Muttama in south western NSW. The proposal is to convert the church and site into a community and artists' facility. In keeping with the past use of the site, the arrangement of new structures is derived from the traditional cruciform layout of a church.

The old church itself will be maintained and used as an ambisonic (sound) chamber in the ‘nave position’.

A Wiradjuri peoples’ ‘yarning circle’ will be located in the negative space of the ‘crossing’ to signify the importance of this part of the programme. A utility structure, an artist’s residence and an anechoic (silence) chamber radiate out along the crossed axes.

The sense of space within the house belies its size, achieved through the interconnection of spaces and relationship to garden areas. Operable shutters open onto tall voids above the stairs and kitchen, providing the opportunity for visual connection and casual interaction.